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High Quality Supplements
Once you can get your child to take their medicine, the next most important thing is supplements of high quality. Too often people go for what is handy or cheap instead of finding suppliers that know what part of the plant to use and only accept high quality ingredients. These are my recommendations for high quality supplements.

Nature's Sunshine Products
I use a lot of Nature's Sunshine Products (and have for more than 20 years) because I know they are high quality herbs. Nature's Sunshine (NSP) supports educating people in the use of herbs and I know they have the highest quality and are using the effective part of the plant (unlike a lot of discount brands). NSP is largely an on-line company and they ship anywhere (so these products are available to everyone) and they offer discounts for membership (order $40 worth of product and get free membership). Sign up under me and you will have Ralph and Lahni DeAmicis, as email or phone support for any questions you may have.

I am so lucky to live in a town where we have a brick and mortar Pharmaca - but I used them long before I moved to CA, as they have a wonderful web site for online ordering and a large selection of natural supplements from my favorite brands - like Gaia, HerbPharm, WishGarden, Jarrow and more.


Energetic / Alternative Healing
I believe very strongly that these health advisors and healers have helped us so much and contributed so much to the well being of my family and I recommend them all very highly.

Ralph & Lahni De Amicis
Just about everything that I have learned about health and healing has come from my parents, Ralph and Lahni, who are long time herbalists and are trained as naturopathic physicians. They are also fluent in Spanish, German, Italian and French. You can contact them and learn more about them at their web site.

Keala Gerhard
Keala uses her own special blend of Hawaiian healing art, combined with Reconnective Healing and her own magical wonderfulness. She worked for many years as a pharmacist in her native Germany, before spending so many years learning and working in Hawaii - her knowledge is vast and expansive and she is kind and sensitive, with a unique connection to those she works with. Her distant healing techniques and trauma erasing have done a world of good for me and my family - most importantly, she has been a partner in health with us for many years and that has been wonderful and very valuable. You can learn more about her on Facebook, but it is best to contact her through her web site, by phone.

Jeanette Wolf, ND
This wonderful woman is magical, in my opinion. Her psychic abilities, wonderful treatments and supports along with her years of experience with autism and special needs helped to get us through spinal fusion surgery comfortably and sanely. She studied with my parents to achieve her Naturopathic Phyisician's qualification and I love to connect with her on Facebook.

I just can't say enough good things about Jean Genet and his Byonetics CDs. As one of the first "vaccine injured" children, decades agao, he has gone on to help many parents and children dealing with autism with a great support group and effective sort of subliminal CDs. I think his information is so important, I have started a small section of things he has put out that I would like to share with you here.

Harriet Sklar
Harriet is a long time family friend and advisor. She does a blend of psychic and medium work with a touch of astrology, which gives her counsel a great deal of insight. She is a lovely compassionate woman and I find it easiest to connect with her on Facebook.

Eloheim and Veronica Torres
When working with a non verbal child, it helps to be open to psychic and even magical assistance. Veronica channels Eloheim - I was lucky enough to meet them live in my community. Working with Veronica changed the way I looked at my relationship with my child and it really marked the beginning of the healing process for me, as before talking to her, I was very stuck in grief and despair.

My non-verbal, severely autistic daughter deals with migraines associated with her cycle and I thought an accunpuncture treatment with suction cups might help and be tolerable. I was shocked to see how readily she accepted not only cups, but needles, too. With the right practitioner and a slow and comfortable introduction, I think anything is possible - particularly if it works. Many insurances will cover accupuncture for pain, primarily. Even MediCal pays for 2 visits a month, though it can be hard to find a practioner who takes MediCal - ours retired.

Just before spinal fusion surgery we worked with a wonderful practioner, names Margot Schaal and Iris very much enjoyed the sessions. Much like a massage, Iris would lay on the table while Margot moved her arms and legs. We could see her gain 1/4 to 1/2 and inch in height in each treatment and thought for sure we were positively affecting the scoliosis, but that did not turn out to be the case, however I am sure we helped her be more comfortable while she waited for the surgery.

I was raised on chiropractic care - when we got a cold, we went to the chiro, as great health is easy when the spine is aligned and free of subluxations. My kids each saw the chiroprator within a few days of being born and we have all seen a variety of chiropractors over the years. Currently we work with a neurological chiropractor - a chiropractor with a certification as a functional neurologist. Dr. Robert even has a special needs son, himself, which makes him very knowledgeable about what we deal with, as a family and caregivers to our girl. With evening and weekend hours, he is a wonderful partner in health for us and I recommend chiropractic care for anything and everything. If he can't help us, he will direct us to who can.

Getting kids involved in yoga early can be one of the best things we can do for them. Flexibility, calm and community all come from great local children's yoga classes - and if you do not have one in your location, YouTube is full of videos for kids and parents alike. Being a special needs parent is not easy and yoga can give us the calm and strength we need to do a good job without losing ourselves. Here is the first one that came up for me when I searched YouTube for "children's yoga."


Other Stuff:

Colgate HUM Virtual Reality Toothbrush System
This is truly the greatest thing since sliced bread. A virtual reality game your child can play on your phone to help them brush their teeth?! Yes please - and not over priced, either. We got the manual toothbrush and the app that uses the phone camera to see where your child is brushing, to blast away tooth decay monster attacking their teeth - plus is shows where they missed so you can help in the end. Manual was $16 and the electric was $30 or so. Use this link for a discount, too. Love it!

The Care and Keeping of Me / Guy Stuff Books
The American Girl coming of age books (for boys or girls) are the best for gently introducing kids to their changin bodies. If your child reads, you can just put it down next to them - their natural curiosity will lead them. If your child does not yet read, you can look at the pictures or look for issues that your child is dealing with. It is wonderful when my girl realizes that what I am trying to show her is useful and she engages a bit more.

Home Medical Test Kits
We've had a very difficult time getting Iris to doctors - and when we did get her there, the doctors very often had a difficult time handling us - so I have found these home medical tests to be very helpful. Non-invasive tests that I can perform at home to monitor my child's health was a real blessing. There are a variety of these on line - we used hair tests to determine heavy metals or toxins for our child, inexpensively. The company we used is no longer on line, but the link provided gives you an idea and you can search for an at home test that satisfies your need - and of course, consult your doctor to understand and act on the results.

Yoga for Kids
Not everyone is as blessed as I am to have a thriving yoga community for children in their town but there are good yoga resources on line - this one offers a lot of free information to help get you started. My mildly autistic, ADD, anxiety filled younger child has always gotten a lot out of it and so do I. There are also a variety of kids yoga class videos on YouTube.


My sites:

Easy GFCF for Kids
I have compiled all I know about managing a wheat and dairy free (or GFCF Diet) here - including product recommendations and recipes. We may find out down the line that a great many of us will benefit from removing wheat and dairy from our diets - so there are a few adult recipes there, too. I continue to add to this resource as I learn more and have the time - that is often easiest on Facebook.

Here I share the social stories I make for my child and others - particularly medical preparation stories, designed to help kids get through a blood test, MRI, x-ray and more. Instantly downloadable, you can grab it while you wait in the emergency room. I keep them low cost and they are electronic, so you can print them yourself or use them on iPad, Nook, Kindle or any other handheld device that reads PDFs. Note: These stories are currently availabe in English only. Translations are available at HistoriasSocialesFaciles.com

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Business Consulting, by Cathy Wagner
