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This information comes to us from Jean Genet, the founder of Byonetics. As a recovered vaccine injured child, himself, I totally value his input.
Moms Suffering from Battle Fatigue?
Jean Genet a researcher in Neural Mechanics (How the brain functions) and a autism survivor believes mothers of autistic children are showing signs of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or what was called Battle Fatigue in W.W.II and what soldiers fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan are experiencing.Women are twice as likely as men to develop PTSD. Symptoms show chronic signs of hyper arousal with increased tendency and reaction to being startled and hyper vigilance to possible threat, inability to maintain proper sleep patterns, trouble concentrating, outburst of anger, poor concentration and memory. Blackouts are not uncommon with suicidal thoughts, passive aggressive behaviors.
Any mother knows the frustration their child shows from not being able to function in a proper reality. This frustration can manifest into mental, physical, and emotional anger leading to physical self abuse and parental attacks. As the child moves into adolescence and the hormonal levels increase the child gains weight and strength and becomes more threatening to the well being of the parent.
This continual threat brings on the symptoms of PTSD. Now the parent has suicidal thoughts, passive aggressive behaviors. The parent forgets the trauma or feels removed from their life, has continual feelings of helplessness, shame, guilt, loss of a spiritual connection with themselves or loved ones, and an ongoing hopelessness, or despair.The post traumatic stress enters the physical body of the parent and becomes static energy like "static" on a radio. This static energy moves through the neural pathways that house the developmental switches that connect the brain/computer to its mental, physical, and emotional software. These switches are made up of crystalline structures, much like the fiber optics that we use in telephone communications to pass vital information back and forth between the brain/computer and its software. This static or erratic energy damages these crystalline structures thus disabling the ability of the brain/computer to receive instructions from its software on how to properly function.
As PTSD grows its symptoms become ailments that manifest into disorder. Then if not properly addressed the disorder becomes a disease that finally ends in death.
Genet witnessed similar symptoms of PTSD when he was growing up with autism and believes that the same symptoms are happening now with the children with autism with the parent mirroring the same PTSD symptoms.
What is fortunate is that the same technology Genet uses to repair the damaged developmental switches in children with autism is the same technology that can be used to repair PTSD in parents. Genet calls this technology Byonetics. Byonetics creates specific brain wave frequencies that repair the damaged developmental switches thus removing the symptoms of autism and PTSD for the child and parent.
Learn More About The Byonetics Autism System And How Medical Professionals And Parent Alike Are Seeing Great Improvements with Speech, Eye Contact And Emotional Connection With Their Autistic Children.
Learn More About The Byonetics Autism System And How Medical Professionals And Parent Alike Are Seeing Great Improvements with Speech, Eye Contact And Emotional Connection With Their Autistic Children.
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